Back at the camp, we found everyone shaky and upset. While we were trotting up the mountain, lighting had struck the camp killing three people and hurting a fourth. The victims were locals who rented horses to tourists. Everyone around was in shock and scared to death and begged us to take them down from the mountain in the van. We loaded as many campesinos as we could and speeded down. On the way back I prayed the rosary for the first time in a very long time and it felt comforting. No-one said a word during the two-hour ride back to Huaraz. When the guide said thunder was dangerous, it never came to me that we were actually in mortal danger. We were so lucky to get back safe and sound - unlike the three poor men who lost their lives to the storm. Never underestimate the forces of nature.
Yesterday I googled the misfortune for some news or at least a brief mention. The Huaraz regional papers do not have web pages and no national paper covered the story. I am certain that if the casualties had been foreign tourists, the story would have been front-page news in Peru and might even have been covered by the European media. The whole tourist industry in Huaraz would have recieved a blow. However, since the three victims were poor campesinos and had Indian blood running through their veins, no-one really cares for their fate. After all, the poor die of this and that and the other thing. Often they lack identity cards and/or birth certificates, so in the eyes of the Peruvian state they never existed in the first place.
Like Daren said, it would be nice to get one blog text also about Columbia, and perhaps one on your general thoughts regarding the whole year... Some concluding remarks? :)
ReplyDeleteHei Leena! Olen opparia vailla valmis matkailun opiskelija ja teen opparia vapaaehtoismatkailusta. Toimeksiantajani on Kehitysmaayhdistys Pääskyt ry, joka on tehnyt yhteistyötä ETVO:n kanssa. Etsinkin nyt halukkaita osallistumaan tutkimukseeni eli jakamaan tarinoita omalta matkaltaan. Mitään nimiä ei tulla opparissa jakamaan. Jos yhtään kiinnostuit jakamaan omaa tarinaasi, ota yhteyttä ja kysy lisää! Olisin kiitollinen. Pääsiäisterkuin, Maija.